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Please be a good popkid and sign the popbook. Don´t be just another anonymous IP-address in the masses! Be a human being! Step out of the dark, leave your comments here, find new friends who share your taste in music, make appointments, compile strange mixtapes and send them to each other! Communicate! By the way: I put the entries into the book manually, so they don´t appear immediately.




meganelise snowinsumr@aol.com

downloads of momus and stereo total? yay! brilliant work, dear boy!


U.Rothe sbc54ro

Are they your drawings, by any chance? oh, by the way, love the website.


edward goggin edgoggin@hotmail.com

Finally Mike.


c.a.b. chikaskia@aol.com

::peeks around a little bit::


Meg jaf@uni.opole.pl

Hi, hi. The site is the sweetest one I've ever seen! Well done!! Just downloaded the absolutely gorgeous Stereo Total... Cheers and good luck with the site.


alex alex@pulped.co.uk

michael, congrats on your new site.  it's really a plus for the indiepop scene, and i like the url as well...  take care, and keep up the great work!  - alex (http://www.popjourno.com)


Stephanie <not entered>

so ne prima heimseite! ganz viel lustiger pop! nur nicht für vorsintflutliche computer...


Lemmy lemmy@fuckyou.co.uk

Hi there - I just downloaded Michelin Man ... I´d been looking for that song for ages. thanx